Source code for pandas_visual_analysis.widgets.boxplot

import ipywidgets as widgets
import plotly.graph_objects as go

from pandas_visual_analysis import DataSource
from pandas_visual_analysis.utils.config import Config
from pandas_visual_analysis.widgets import BaseWidget, register_widget

[docs]@register_widget class BoxPlotWidget(BaseWidget): """ The BoxPlotWidget displays a box plot for a single column with additional information of mean and standard deviation as a diamond. Per default the plot shows all the points side-by-side in order to select points. This behaviour can be changed to show only the outliers as points or no points at all. """ def __init__( self, data_source: DataSource, row: int, index: int, relative_size: float, max_height: int, ): """ :param data_source: :class:`pandas_visual_analysis.data_source.DataSource` for the widget. :param row: The row the widget is in. :param index: Index of the row the widget is in. :param relative_size: The space the widget has in a row which is then converted to the width. (e.g. 0.33 => 33%) :param max_height: height in pixels the plot has to have """ super().__init__(data_source, row, index, relative_size, max_height) self.columns = self.data_source.numerical_columns if len(self.columns) < 1: raise ValueError( "The data contains too few numerical columns to display box plots. " "Remove the widget from the layout!" ) self.column_select = widgets.Dropdown( options=self.columns, value=self.data_source.column_store.next_numerical(), description="Column:", style={"description_width": "60px"}, ) self.box_point_select = widgets.Dropdown( options=[("All", "all"), ("Outliers", "outliers"), ("None", False)], value="all", description="Points:", style={"description_width": "50px"}, ) self.trace, self.figure_widget = self._get_figure_widget()[0].selectedpoints = self.data_source.brushed_indices[0].on_selection(callback=self.on_selection)[0].on_deselect(callback=self.on_deselection) self.column_select.observe(handler=self._on_column_change, names="value") self.box_point_select.observe(handler=self._on_box_point_change, names="value") self.set_observers()
[docs] def build(self) -> widgets.Widget: root = widgets.VBox( [ widgets.HBox([self.column_select, self.box_point_select]), self.figure_widget, ] ) return self.apply_size_constraints(root)
[docs] def apply_size_constraints(self, widget): return super().apply_size_constraints(widget)
[docs] def observe_brush_indices_change(self, sender): new_indices = self.data_source.brushed_indices # noinspection SpellCheckingInspection[0].selectedpoints = new_indices
[docs] def on_selection(self, trace, points, state): self.data_source.brushed_indices = points.point_inds
[docs] def on_deselection(self, trace, points): self.data_source.reset_selection()
def _get_figure_widget(self): config = Config() trace = go.Box([self.column_select.value], boxmean="sd", boxpoints=self.box_point_select.value, jitter=0.5, pointpos=-1.8, hoverinfo="skip", marker={"color": "rgb(%d,%d,%d)" % config.select_color}, selected={ "marker": { "color": "rgb(%d,%d,%d)" % config.select_color, "opacity": config.alpha, } }, unselected={ "marker": { "color": "rgb(%d,%d,%d)" % config.deselect_color, "opacity": config.alpha / 2, } }, showlegend=False, ) figure_widget = go.FigureWidget( data=[trace], layout=go.Layout( dragmode="select", margin=dict(l=15, r=15, b=15, t=15, pad=2), xaxis=dict(zeroline=False, showticklabels=False), ), ) return trace, figure_widget def _on_column_change(self, change):[0].update( {"y":[self.column_select.value]} ) def _on_box_point_change(self, change):[0].update({"boxpoints": self.box_point_select.value})